6Meem Entertainment


Disclaimer document

This document must be read completely and carefully before participating in the game. Each participant should be over the age of 16 to participate in the game to confirm the information by acceptaning and pressing the ACCEPT button

As the undersigned, I am aware of the following:

  • This game requires physical and mental strength from the participant wishing to participate.
  • Participants will have a detailed explanation of the safety rules of this game, and in turn they must observe and adhere to them.
  • The events of this game may be dangerous for the participants, if the safety rules are not observed.
  • The possibility of my injury and the injury of others is contained during the events of this game.
  • * This game requires caution in some of the following points mentioned:
  • - The player may find himself forced to move in dark areas.
  • - Some areas have low ceilings and require the player to bend down during the game of events.
  • - There are stairs and bridges connecting the floors and buildings.

Based on what has been explained above, I hereby declare the following:

  • - I am fully aware of the risks that I may personally be exposed to, or cause to other participants, and accordingly, I declare full compliance with the safety rules of this game, under any circumstances.
  • - I declare that I am physically and mentally fit, and able to withstand great pressure and effort, and I am fully aware that this is part of the game.
  • - I acknowledge my full commitment to the rules and follow the general instructions, and not to exploit the equipment used in the game for the intentional harm of the participating players.


  • - According to the instructions of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia (SAMA), if the Saudi Network transaction is rejected and the amount is deducted from the customer’s bank account, the customer must contact his bank and no obligation arises on the merchant.
  • - According to this document, and as soon as I agree to it, I completely and permanently release (Six Meem Entertainment) from any claims, responsibilities, or accusations whatsoever, whether directed by me personally or by my heirs or on behalf of me, as it includes This exemption applies to property owners and all persons concurrently participating in this game.

The Equipment & Arena :

  • - According to this document, and as soon as I agree to it, I take full responsibility for preserving the equipment used in this game, and I undertake to return it to the person responsible for it as soon as the events of the game end.
  • - We kindly request you to be present while booking 15 minutes before the game time, and if you are late for the scheduled time, the playing time will be deducted .
  • -The players pledge to play responsibly and maintain the equipment within the arena and playground, avoiding any form of damage or vandalism. In case of damage or vandalism, the company reserves the right to take the necessary actions and apply penalties.
  • - Your acceptance of these terms and conditions once for all tickets you participate in the game in the future.
  • *I certify that I have read and agree to all of the above terms*